Wanda G Fuselier

Wanda G. Fuselier grew up in Acadiana (southwestern Louisiana) where the fundamentals of Cajun life were family, common sense values, and a good sense of humor. By the time she was five years old, Wanda was learning traditional fiber arts (sewing, quilting, embroidering and crocheting) and practicing life skills such as making the most of what you have. Such culture-ingrained values, rather than any type of political statement, are responsible for her primary use of recycled or re-purposed materials. Craftsmanship and fine detail work is the result of more than fifty years of training and experience. The strong graphic quality of her work is the result of earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts and working for over thirty years in Advertising and Graphic Design. While her medium is still essentially fiber, that might mean using paper, pantyhose, or rusty metal as fabric; twine, hair or any-kind-of-wire as thread. Wanda's artwork is about order -- which she establishes by arranging shapes, spaces and colors, organizing unruly assortments, and fitting elements together in a way that makes sense visually, logically or psychologically. For Wanda Fuselier, making something out of nothing is a lifestyle; creating art is constantly learning how to perceive the world and the objects in it, recognizing beauty in discarded objects as well as pushing beyond their ordinary uses and inherent meanings.


Simon Sotelo III


Krissy Ramirez